Wednesday, October 20, 2010

GLBT Wear purple day October 20, 2010

Being bullied is is the worst way to live!  I am not gay, lesbian, bi or trans-gender, but was tormented incessantly all through Junior High and High School. We need to help stop this madness before we lose anymore promising lives to this MADNESS!  Join us in SL and RL and show your support by wearing purple today!

Wear Purple Front

Wear Purple Back

I took a pledge to spread the word to friends and family to help end this you can too, here at this web-site:

Delora Starbrook an sl designer has made and is offering for free purple shirts at her shop Haven Designs, they are located at the landing point.

This is the note card Delora sent out to her shop group.  In it she tells of the stark reality of being tormented due to sexual orientation!  She has also included links to visit to get more information.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 is a very, very important day for me and for many others who have stepped up to try and make a difference.
After the recent suicides of several LGBT youth due to overwhelming bullying, Oct 20th has been declared "Wear Purple" day to raise awareness for this all too painful problem currently being ignored worldwide.
I was relentlessly bullied throughout middle school and high school because of my sexual preferences, to the point of attempting suicide myself.  Thanks to the quick intervention of friends, family, and medical professionals, my life was saved, and through the help of therapy and a caring support network, I found hope and a reason to stick it out and make it to adulthood.
We need to help get the message across that there is hope.  It gets better.
For those of you who are in need of something purple to help raise awareness, there is a free unisex t-shirt at my main store location.  Please come pick it up.  Put it on.  Blog it.  Show it off.  Help raise awareness.  No one should be forced to endure bullying.  No one should be forced into a position where the light isn't visible at the end of the tunnel.

Important Projects to help LGBT youth:
Recent News:
Search google.  There's tons more where this has come from.

Thank you.
Delora Starbrook


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Being bullied is is the worst way to live!  I am not gay, lesbian, bi or trans-gender, but was tormented incessantly all through Junior High and High School. We need to help stop this madness before we lose anymore promising lives to this MADNESS!  Join us in SL and RL and show your support by wearing purple today!

Wear Purple Front

Wear Purple Back

I took a pledge to spread the word to friends and family to help end this you can too, here at this web-site:

Delora Starbrook an sl designer has made and is offering for free purple shirts at her shop Haven Designs, they are located at the landing point.

This is the note card Delora sent out to her shop group.  In it she tells of the stark reality of being tormented due to sexual orientation!  She has also included links to visit to get more information.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 is a very, very important day for me and for many others who have stepped up to try and make a difference.
After the recent suicides of several LGBT youth due to overwhelming bullying, Oct 20th has been declared "Wear Purple" day to raise awareness for this all too painful problem currently being ignored worldwide.
I was relentlessly bullied throughout middle school and high school because of my sexual preferences, to the point of attempting suicide myself.  Thanks to the quick intervention of friends, family, and medical professionals, my life was saved, and through the help of therapy and a caring support network, I found hope and a reason to stick it out and make it to adulthood.
We need to help get the message across that there is hope.  It gets better.
For those of you who are in need of something purple to help raise awareness, there is a free unisex t-shirt at my main store location.  Please come pick it up.  Put it on.  Blog it.  Show it off.  Help raise awareness.  No one should be forced to endure bullying.  No one should be forced into a position where the light isn't visible at the end of the tunnel.

Important Projects to help LGBT youth:
Recent News:
Search google.  There's tons more where this has come from.

Thank you.
Delora Starbrook


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